DesignBox Architecture

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas time again. Hooray!  This year instead of sending cards by post, we're sending Christmas tree decorations.

3D objects become 2D for transit

They are designed to travel flat in their envelopes.  Once opened, they magically spring into life to become cubic tree decorations with a handy loop for easy hanging. 

Prefabricated, rapid deployment structures
Or Christmas tree decorations by post?

(Actually it's not really magic. The DesignBox Christmas tree decorations are powered by a highly sophisticated, state of the art, elastic band concealed within the card enclosure).

So, if you happen to receive one of these from us, don't panic! Simply hang it on your Christmas tree and please send a snap back to us for our collage below.

Our plan to reach as many businesses, schools and organisations as possible
and brand their Christmas trees

Merry Christmas from DesignBox Architecture!

If you would like a free Christmas tree decoration next year, please join our Client list in 2014 to secure your place in the mail-out.