DesignBox Architecture

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Drawing in Space

I'm sure Alexander Calder would have taken to 3D pens if they had been available. His wire sculptures of faces and figures and experiments in 'drawing in space' might have been a lot quicker to produce and resulted in many more studies.

From the Calder review in Culture Whisper

But for kids, artists and architects today they are a very useful resource for creating sculptures and spacial studies quickly, to capture ideas and demonstrate skills in 3D thinking. 

Instinctively working in 2D

To begin with it does take a little practice and thought. When used by kids for the first time, they often set out their work on a flat sheet of paper and replicate a single 2D design. This produces a result but might not have the depth of character as a 3D line sculpture, which takes on a new life when seen using shadows, like Calder's work. 

Trying to replicate 'drawing in space'.

Creating the design in a number of parts, using a flat paper surface to create a series of single curve components, allows the overall piece to be constructed into a 3D assembly which is closer to what Calder was trying to do. We could all be great artists! 

A family of sculptural heads

It demonstrates how the simplicity of the line is a such a powerful tool for representing an idea, provoking thought or raising a reaction.