Monday 14 October 2024

Designing Supportive Environments

This is a summary of our working approach to architectural design in education.  It focuses on how to support both client and stakeholders involved in the project, including the students, teachers, staff, the maintenance team and parents etc.  Thoughtful design can shape environments that positively support everyone's experience, by considering physical, procedural, and mental / well-being issues.  Designing for supportive environments can help reduce stress related absences in schools, allowing greater support of the school towards the individual and in turn, the individual to support the school.  

Defining Design

Effective design goes far beyond addressing the immediate requirements of the client (i.e. answering the “what is needed” question).  It must consider the broader group of stakeholders; effectively every group of people who engage with the school.  Each group engages with the environment differently, so the design should reflect those diverse needs. In practice, this involves consulting with all relevant stakeholders to determine how the spaces should work for everyone, and how the operational dynamic of the whole should work.

There are three essential aspects to consider in any design project:

Physical Design:

This includes the tangible elements of the project; how the materials, space, light, and ergonomics should work.  It’s the part that everyone sees and enjoys.  It is often the part of the project that has the “wow” factor.   While this is often the easiest to achieve, it's also the area that usually consumes most of the budget.

Designing with care for the physical elements is crucial, as it sets the foundation for how people experience the space.

Processes and Procedures:

This is often harder to quantify because it involves the dynamics of how people work within the space.  Workplace roles and responsibilities change over time, so designing with flexibility is key.  Spaces should accommodate shifting working conditions, evolving technologies, and the personal dynamics of the people using them.

Making room for adaptability helps to ensure that a building can continue to function well as its occupants and their  working needs change.

Mental Wellness:

It is essential that design also contributes to a sense of mental well-being.  Spaces and their layout should work to help reduce stress and anxiety, while fostering a feeling of safety and comfort.  This is the most difficult to define because it can be heavily influenced by workplace dynamics, individual characters and changes in working procedures.

Acknowledging this, well-designed spaces can alleviate some of the tension that arises from challenging working environments and heavy workloads.  By creating an environment that feels safe and uplifting, design can contribute to lower stress levels.

Artbox - A School Art Studio Extension

As a case study of holistic design is the Artbox, Art Studio Extension for a State Primary School in South-West London used design to address physical, procedural, and wellness needs within tight budget constraints.

Physical Design Response:

With limited funds, the focus was on creating a spacious room with ample diffused natural light, rather than expensive finishes or intricate details.  Physically, the priority was to create a space that was fun to work in, flexible for a range of art activities, and be durable. 

Supporting Processes:

The design ensured minimal disruption to the existing school layout.  It included a dedicated art studio, an adjacent art store, and a one-to-one teaching space. This created a neat, efficient space that supported both teaching and creative processes.

A Place to De-stress:

The ArtBox became the go-to for students and teachers to visit, as it offered a quiet, uplifting atmosphere separated from the rest of the school. It provided a place where kids could escape their regular routines and engage in hands-on creativity, fostering both mental relaxation and educational growth.

Holistic Design Considerations

Designing supportive environments is especially relevant in places like schools, where stress levels can be high. Teachers often experience significant and unrelenting levels of stress, which can lead to absences and serious health conditions.   Although design cannot resolve all workplace tensions, it can help mitigate stress in a coordinated approach with the school to manage stress levels at work, by creating spaces that promote positive interactions and help limit difficult working situations between people.

For example, when designing, consideration to factors like good acoustics, lighting and ventilation, connections with nature, access to outdoor spaces, and opportunities for physical activity can help. These elements can all contribute to a healthier, more supportive environment.

This might not sound new or helpful, and after all most of the points listed in the diagram above are standard design considerations, but it is all in the approach.  By focusing on the people and interactions of individuals and groups, rather than just the functionality of the building, design can be managed to deliver a product which looks good, functions efficiently for everyone and is supportive.   

The Design and Delivery Process

So in addition to design, the detailing and delivery of a project is just as important.  For this to happen effectively, the right people need to be involved.  It's a similar approach to being effective in design; having the right consultants and experts involved in the process, will help achieve the required results.  

Although we work to the Royal Institute of British Architect's (RIBA) 'Plan of Work', for the purposes of discussing projects with our clients, we find it is easier to think of the sequence in terms of 'Design', 'Detail' and 'Delivery'.  This helps us to keeping a focus on the people-centric project balance of physical design, processes and procedures, and mental wellness throughout each stage.   

How We Can Help You

For schools or educational establishments considering upgrades to their facilities whilst grappling with tight budgets, designs for improvements can still go hand in hand with enhancing procedural and wellness outcomes. So, let us talk to you se see how we can help. From the Head to the troubled Teacher, if your education facilities are not performing as they should, contact us to see how we might help.  

By considering the needs of all stakeholders, we can create environments that are not only functional but are also supportive, promoting well-being and productivity for all who use them.

In conclusion, designing supportive environments means considering more than just the physical space. By addressing processes, procedures, and mental wellness, we can create spaces that help foster better working relationships improve personal well-being, and reduce stress-related illnesses in the work-place.  

Sunday 6 October 2024

We Help to Make Your Neighbours Jealous

The DesignBox Architecture Process

Hi, I'm Phil at DesignBox Architecture.  We're based in South-West London, and we help make your neighbours jealous.  

You know how life is fast paced and demanding? And when you do have down-time, you don't enjoy your home the way you'd like.  I can help make your home be the place you've always dreamed of.  

If you want to explore this, the process is simple. We have a quick thirty-minute zoom in which I find out about you, your home and your aspirations etc. Then I set out a proposal outlining ideas, next steps and costs.  If you’d like to take it further, we schedule a visit to your home to dive into design.  

There are only so many film nights, Christmases and evenings with friends over for dinner.  

My clients are comfortable with a home they enjoy and which supports them.  Day after day they share experiences and build memories.  All because they made their place work for them.  

You can book a call on this link:

Would you like to chat?

Monday 23 September 2024

Designing to Support Healthier Teaching and Working Environments in Schools

A Sample of Considerations to Inform a
Holistic Design Approach towards
Healthier Mental Environments in Schools


Teachers and School staff, especially in State Schools, struggle to deliver the standard of education they aim for and consequently, cases of stress related illness have been increasing.  

Resources for renovations and school improvements are not plentiful, but where they are available, taking a holistic design approach can work to help alleviate levels of stress.

Assessing working and teaching environments on a project by project basis with a holistic range of physical, operational and psychological considerations, informs a design strategy that can be implemented to improve working conditions and  wellness in the work place.  

As a result, schools benefit as levels of stress-related absences fall, allowing staff and teachers to deliver the level of education they strive for, and make the positive difference in the lives of the young people they came in to the profession to inspire.  

Kids only go through school once, and school days are meant to be amongst our best days.  We owe it to them to make this time a positive and uplifting experience.  

Causes of Teacher's Sickness in Uk State Schools

A combination of factors contributes to the high levels of sickness absence among teachers in UK state schools. Some of the primary causes include:

1. Workload and Stress: 

One of the most significant factors is the high workload, which includes planning lessons, marking, and administrative tasks. Many teachers report working well beyond contracted hours, which leads to stress and burnout. The pressure to meet targets, such as exam results and Ofsted inspections, also adds to this stress.

2. Mental Health Issues: 

The stress and pressure of the job can lead to mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. Teachers often face challenging classroom environments, lack of support, and increasing demands from parents and school leadership, which exacerbate these issues.

3. Physical Health: 

Teaching can be physically demanding. Long hours on their feet, exposure to illnesses in schools (such as colds and flu), and insufficient breaks can lead to physical health problems. Moreover, stress and burnout can also manifest in physical symptoms, leading to more frequent sickness absences.

4. Lack of Resources and Support: 

Many teachers feel that they lack adequate resources, including teaching materials, support staff, and time, to do their jobs effectively. This can increase stress levels and lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness, contributing to sickness.

5. Pupil Behaviour: 

Managing pupil behaviour is another significant challenge. Disruptive behaviour in the classroom can lead to stress and anxiety, particularly when teachers feel unsupported by school leadership in dealing with these issues.

6. Pay and Conditions: 

Some teachers feel that their pay does not reflect the amount of work and stress involved in the job. Combined with worsening working conditions in some schools, this can lead to dissatisfaction and a higher likelihood of taking time off.

7. COVID-19 Pandemic: 

The pandemic has exacerbated existing issues, with teachers facing additional stress from the shift to online teaching, concerns about health and safety in schools, and the challenge of helping pupils catch up after periods of disruption.

Addressing these issues requires systemic changes, including reducing workload, improving mental health support, ensuring adequate resources, and fostering a supportive school environment. Without such changes, high levels of sickness absence among teachers are likely to continue.


How Architecture and Interior Design Can Help Schools and the Teaching Environment Work More Effectively

Architecture and interior design can play a significant role in enhancing the effectiveness of schools and improving the workplace for teachers. Thoughtful design can create environments that reduce stress, enhance well-being, and foster collaboration among staff. Here are some strategies and contributions that architecture and interior design can offer:

1. Optimising Layout and Space Planning

Flexible Workspaces: 

Designing spaces that can be easily reconfigured allows teachers to adapt their environment to different teaching styles or activities. For instance, movable walls, modular furniture, and adaptable classrooms can create spaces that support both individual work and collaborative activities.

Efficient Use of Space: 

Thoughtful space planning ensures that areas are used effectively, reducing clutter and creating a more organised environment. This can include well-planned storage spaces, designated areas for different activities, and efficient circulation paths.

Ventilating the classroom:
1  High level ventilation grilles
2  Cross ventilation with grilles or openable windows on both sides of the classroom
3  Heat from radiators tempers air as it comes in

2. Improving Natural Light and Ventilation

Natural Light: 

Access to natural light is crucial for well-being and productivity. Classrooms, offices, and common areas designed with large windows or skylights can reduce reliance on artificial lighting, improve mood, and decrease eye strain.


Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining air quality and comfort. Designing spaces with good airflow, using windows that open, or incorporating advanced HVAC systems can help reduce the spread of illnesses and improve overall comfort.

3. Incorporating Biophilic Design

Natural Elements: 

Incorporating natural elements such as plants, wood textures, and views of nature into the school environment can reduce stress and enhance well-being. Biophilic design principles suggest that exposure to nature has a calming effect and can improve focus and productivity.

Outdoor Learning Spaces: 

Designing outdoor spaces that can be used for teaching or relaxation provides an alternative environment that can reduce stress and encourage creativity. Gardens, courtyards, and green spaces can be used for lessons, breaks, or staff meetings.

4. Creating Collaborative and Social Spaces

Staff Rooms and Lounges: 

Designing comfortable, welcoming staff rooms where teachers can relax, socialise, and collaborate is crucial. These spaces should be equipped with comfortable seating, adequate lighting, and amenities like kitchens or coffee stations to encourage social interaction and provide a mental break.

Open and Shared Spaces: 

Designing open spaces that encourage informal meetings and collaboration among teachers can foster a sense of community and support. These spaces can include seating areas, shared desks, or communal tables where teachers can easily interact.

Considering acoustic treatment:
1 Acoustic ceiling panels
2 High level acoustic wall panels
3 Cork and felt lined display boards
4  Sound proofing from outside activities

5. Acoustic Design for Noise Control


Reducing noise levels in classrooms and staff areas is vital for concentration and stress reduction. Acoustic panels, carpeting, and sound-absorbing materials can be used to minimize noise pollution.

Quiet Zones: 

Creating designated quiet areas where teachers can work undisturbed is important for tasks requiring focus, such as lesson planning or grading. These zones can be separate from busy areas to ensure a peaceful environment.

6. Ergonomic and Comfortable Furniture


Providing ergonomic furniture for teachers, such as adjustable chairs, desks at appropriate heights, and comfortable seating options, can prevent physical strain and promote health. Teachers often spend long hours at their desks, so ensuring comfort is crucial.

Teacher Workstations: 

Designing personal workspaces that are well-organised and equipped with necessary tools can increase efficiency. These stations should allow teachers to move freely, have sufficient storage, and be conducive to both administrative tasks and creative planning.

Make natural light work for you:
1  External canopy or louvres blocks high energy sunlight but can bounce light in to the classroom
2  Light coloured ceilings reflect light in the room
3  Low angle, low energy sunlight can offer warmth and atmosphere
4  Consider opportunities for north light or roof lights
5  Solar control and blackout blinds control natural light levels for displays etc.

7. Colour and Lighting Psychology

Colour Schemes: 

The use of colour can significantly affect mood and productivity. Calm and neutral tones in classrooms and staff areas can reduce stress, while strategic use of vibrant colours can energise and inspire creativity.

Electric lighting strategy:
1  Main lights offer even distribution of light
2  Some illumination of the ceiling adds a sense of space
3  Lighting to assist specific activities or displays

Lighting Design: 

Beyond natural light, the design of artificial lighting is important. Warm, adjustable lighting can create a more relaxing atmosphere in staff areas, while bright, focused lighting can enhance concentration in classrooms.

An example of colours selected to bring life and energy in to a room

8. Health and Wellness Features

Rest and Relaxation Areas: 

Incorporating areas specifically designed for relaxation, such as nap rooms, meditation spaces, or wellness rooms, can provide teachers with a space to recharge during the day.

Fitness and Wellness Facilities: 

On-site fitness facilities or outdoor exercise areas can encourage physical activity, which is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

9. Sustainability and Environmental Considerations

Sustainable Materials: 

Using sustainable, non-toxic materials in the construction and furnishing of schools can improve indoor air quality and reduce environmental impact. This contributes to a healthier environment for both students and staff.

Energy Efficiency: 

Designing energy-efficient buildings with considerations for insulation, lighting, and heating can reduce operational costs and create a more comfortable environment. Schools can also incorporate renewable energy sources, like solar panels, to enhance sustainability.

10. Safety and Accessibility

Inclusive Design: 

Ensuring that the school environment is accessible to all staff and students, regardless of physical ability, is crucial. This includes designing ramps, accessible restrooms, and ensuring all areas are reachable and usable by everyone.

Safety Features: 

Incorporating safety features such as secure entry points, clear signage, and well-lit pathways contributes to a sense of security and reduces anxiety among staff and students.

By incorporating these architectural and interior design strategies, schools can create environments that support teacher well-being, enhance productivity, and foster a positive and collaborative work culture. This holistic approach to design can significantly contribute to reducing stress, preventing burnout, and ultimately improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

Percentage of Teachers Reporting Stress and Sickness in UK State Schools

The exact percentage of teaching staff who go on sick leave due to stress in UK state schools can vary based on the specific source and time frame. However, some general trends and figures can be provided based on available data and research.

Stress-Related Sickness in UK State Schools

It is estimated that around 50-60% of sick leave in UK state schools is stress-related, according to various surveys and studies conducted among teachers. This reflects the high levels of stress due to factors such as heavy workloads, challenging pupil behaviour, and pressure from standardised testing and inspections (such as Ofsted).


According to the National Education Union (NEU), stress and mental health issues are among the top reasons for teacher sickness absence in state schools. The exact percentage of teachers taking sick leave due to stress can vary, but it is often cited as a significant factor in the overall sickness absence rates.

Lighting control in the art studio at Furzedown Primary School, London SW17.  
Solar control blinds block glare and offer views out.  
North lights bring diffused light in to the studio space.  
Blackout blinds control light levels for AV presentations.  
Perimeter spot lights assist the general lighting strategy.

The Estimated Percentage Reduction in Work Related Sickness 
if Schools Incorporate the Measures Above to Improve Work Spaces

Estimating the precise percentage reduction in work-related sickness due to improvements in workspaces, such as those suggested here involves a degree of speculation, as the impact of such measures can vary significantly based on implementation quality, the specific context of the school, and individual differences among staff. However, based on research and evidence from similar interventions in other sectors, some general estimates can be made.

General Impact of Workplace Improvements:

Research from various fields, including education, healthcare, and corporate environments, shows that improving workspaces can lead to substantial reductions in stress-related sickness and overall absenteeism. Key factors include:

1. Reduced Stress and Burnout: 

Improvements in natural lighting, ventilation, ergonomic furniture, and noise control can significantly reduce stress levels, which are a major contributor to work-related sickness. Studies suggest that such changes can reduce stress-related absenteeism by anywhere from 10% to 30%.

2. Enhanced Well-being and Job Satisfaction: 

Creating comfortable, collaborative, and supportive work environments (e.g., through biophilic design, social spaces, and quiet zones) can improve teachers' overall well-being and job satisfaction. This can lead to reductions in burnout and associated sickness absences by an estimated 15% to 25%.

3. Improved Mental Health Support: 

Providing spaces that support mental health, such as wellness rooms and outdoor relaxation areas, can help mitigate anxiety and depression, which are common causes of long-term sickness. The reduction in mental health-related absences might be in the range of 10% to 20%.

Estimated Overall Reduction

Taking into account these factors, a well-implemented, holistic approach to improving school workspaces could potentially reduce work-related sickness by 20% to 40% overall. This estimate assumes that the changes are thoughtfully integrated and address both physical and psychological aspects of the work environment.

Example Calculation

If a school currently has a work-related sickness absence rate of, say, 10% of staff annually, incorporating these measures could reduce this rate to between 6% and 8%.  In a school with 100 staff members, this might mean reducing the number of staff on long-term sickness leave from 10 to between 6 and 8, depending on the effectiveness of the interventions.


While these estimates provide a general idea, the actual impact would depend on various factors, including the specific challenges faced by the school, the baseline level of work-related sickness, and how effectively the proposed improvements are implemented. Schools that invest in creating supportive, well-designed environments are likely to see significant reductions in stress-related sickness, contributing to better teacher retention, morale, and overall school performance.