DesignBox Architecture

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Pavilion Studies

Furzedown Primary School's architecture programme carried out this one-lesson experiment in speed model-making.  After the introductions in structure and design, the class was given a palette of recycled materials and asked to design a pavilion structure.  The results were remarkable for their creativity and invention.

The children tested out what they had learnt against their ideas, expressing a lot of confident thinking and a boldness to experiment with what could be achieved.

As individual models and as a collection the results were incredibly impressive and could easily make a small exhibition of their own.  In abstract it would be hard to tell that the collection was produced by a class of 10 year olds.

One of my favourites (bottom centre on the image above) was a test to see how plastic cups could be arranged to form a structural sphere - very Buckminster Fuller, but I think they all look great.