DesignBox Architecture

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Green Keeping

DesignBox has been busy as Project Manager for the building and service infrastructure works at the Machrie Golf Links and Hotel on the Isle of Islay.  The vision for the Machrie is to create a World-Class, Championship Links Course connected to a newly re-developed four-star Hotel, for the enjoyment of local and international visitors.

To support this, one of DesignBox's initial work has focused on the Green Keeping Facility which has recently completed.  This is a simple and economical steel portal shed on a concrete slab.  It is designed to give as much light, access and flexibility as possible to the many tasks the Green Keeping team will need to do both inside and outside the building, as well as on the course.

Islay is a relatively remote location so anything required off the island can take a little time.  The Machrie has looked to overcome this by equipping the facility with all the key machinery, plant and skilled personnel required to make it self sufficient.

Large roller shutter doors allow for tractors, trailers and the storage of bulk materials.  They also allow the building to open and connect to the forecourt where the team can work outside.

Islay is a very special island and a beautiful place.  The Machrie Golf Links are are absolutely stunning!  When work is complete they will no doubt raise the profile of Islay and set the Machrie as a key destination for island Links Golf.

The Golf Links are due to be ready in time for the 2017 Golf season.  The Hotel is scheduled to open in the following year.  In its regeneration, the Machrie is becoming a very exciting place.